Berlioz, Hector

Berlioz, Hector
Berlioz, Hector
French composer (1803-1869)

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Berlioz, Hector — ▪ French composer Introduction in full  Louis Hector Berlioz  born December 11, 1803, La Côte Saint André, France died March 8, 1869, Paris  French composer, critic, and conductor of the Romantic period, known largely for his Symphonie… …   Universalium

  • Berlioz, Hector — ► (1803 69) Compositor y concertista francés. Representante destacado del romanticismo musical. Entre sus obras destacan las óperas Benvenuto Cellini (1838), Los troyanos (1893), La condenación de Fausto, la Sinfonía fantástica (1830), la… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • BERLIOZ, HECTOR —    a celebrated musical composer and critic, born near Grenoble, in the dep. of Isère, France; sent to study medicine in Paris; abandoned it for music, to which he devoted his life. His best known works are the Symphonie Fantastique, Romeo and… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Berlioz — Berlioz, Hector …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Berlioz — Hector Berlioz « Berlioz » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir Berlioz (homonymie). Hector Berlioz …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hector Berlioz — «Berlioz» redirige aquí. Para otras acepciones, véase Berlioz (desambiguación). Louis Hector Berlioz Nac …   Wikipedia Español

  • Hector Berlioz — Hector Berlioz, um 1860 Louis Hector Berlioz (* 11. Dezember 1803 in La Côte Saint André, Département Isère; † 8. März 1869 in Paris) war ein französischer Komponist und Musikkritiker. Inhaltsverz …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hector Berlioz —     Hector Berlioz     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Hector Berlioz     French composer, b. at La Côte Saint André, near Grenoble, 11 December, 1803; d. at Paris, 8 March, 1869. His father, a physician, wished Hector to follow his own profession, and …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Héctor — Hector, Héctor bzw. Hektor ist ein Vor und Familienname. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Herkunft und Varianten 2 Bekannte Namensträger 2.1 Vorname (Auswahl) 2.2 Familienname 2.3 Künstlername …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Berlioz — (izg. berliȏz), Hector (1803 1869) DEFINICIJA francuski skladatelj dramski inspiriranih djela u duhu romantizma (Faustovo prokletstvo, Fantastična simfonija) …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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