Cologne, University of

Cologne, University of
Cologne, University of
Near the end of the fourteenth century Urban VI, at the instance of the Town Council, issued (21 May, 1388) the Bull of foundation

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Cologne University of Applied Sciences — Fachhochschule Köln Established 1 August 1971 Type Public …   Wikipedia

  • Cologne, University of — ▪ university, Cologne, Germany German  Universität Zu Köln,         autonomous, state supported coeducational institution of higher learning in Cologne, Ger., founded in 1388 as a municipal university. In spite of Protestant influences, the… …   Universalium

  • Cologne University of Applied Sciences — Fachhochschule Köln Gründung 1971 Trägerschaft staatlich Ort Köln …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cologne University of Applied Sciences Köln — Fachhochschule Köln Gründung 1971 Trägerschaft staatlich Ort Köln …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • University of Cologne — Universität zu Köln university seal of 1392 Latin: Universitatis Coloniensis Established …   Wikipedia

  • University of Cologne —     University of Cologne     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► University of Cologne     Though famous all through the Middle Ages for its cathedral and cloister schools and for eminent scholars Albertus Magnus, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Duns Scotus… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • University of Calcutta — কলিকাতা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় Seal of University of Calcutta Motto Advancement of Learning Established 24 January 1857 Type Public …   Wikipedia

  • Cologne — Köln redirects here. For other uses, see Köln (disambiguation). This article is about the German city. For other uses, see Cologne (disambiguation). Köln Cologne Cologne Cathedral at nighttime …   Wikipedia

  • cologne — cologned, adj. /keuh lohn /, n. a mildly perfumed toilet water; eau de Cologne. Also called Cologne water. [short for Cologne water, made in COLOGNE since 1709] * * * German Köln City (pop., 2002 est.: city, 967,900; metro. area, 1,823,500),… …   Universalium

  • Cologne — /keuh lohn /, n. a city in W Germany. 914,300. German, Köln. Formerly, Cöln. * * * German Köln City (pop., 2002 est.: city, 967,900; metro. area, 1,823,500), western Germany. Located on the Rhine River, it is one of Europe s key inland ports.… …   Universalium

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