Contarini, Gasparo

Contarini, Gasparo
Contarini, Gasparo
Venetian statesman and cardinal, born 16 October, 1483, of an ancient and noble family in Venice; died at Bologna, 24 August, 1542

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Gasparo Contarini —     Gasparo Contarini     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Gasparo Contarini     Venetian statesman and Cardinal, born 16 October, 1483, of an ancient and noble family in Venice; died at Bologna, 24 August, 1542. He received his elementary training in… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • Gasparo Contarini — (16 October 1483 24 August 1542) was an Italian diplomat and cardinal.BiographyHe was born in Venice, the eldest son of Alvise Contarini, of the ancient noble House of Contarini, and his wife Polissena Malpiero. [ [… …   Wikipedia

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