Dandolo, Enrico

Dandolo, Enrico
Dandolo, Enrico
Doge of Venice from 1192 to 1205; died, aged about a hundred years, in 1205

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Dandolo, Enrico — born 1107?, Venice died 1205, Constantinople Doge of the Republic of Venice (1192–1205). After a career as a Venetian diplomat, he was elected doge at age 85. He swore the ducal promise, spelling out the duties of his office, and instituted… …   Universalium

  • Dandolo, Enrico — (¿1107?, Venecia–1205, Constantinopla). Dux de la República de Venecia (1192–1205). Después de hacer carrera como diplomático veneciano, fue elegido dux a la edad de 85 años. Emitió bajo juramento la promesa ducal, enumerando detalladamente los… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Enrico Dandolo — (* 1107; † 21. Juni 1205) war der 41. Doge von Venedig. Er regierte von 1192 bis 1205. In seine Amtszeit fiel der Vierte Kreuzzug. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Familie 2 Leben 2.1 Erste politische Erfahrungen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Enrico Dandolo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Dandolo tomando la Cruz, por Gustave Doré …   Wikipedia Español

  • Enrico Dandolo —     Enrico Dandolo     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Enrico Dandolo     Doge of Venice from 1192 to 1205; died, aged about a hundred years, in 1205. He belonged to one of the electoral families who claimed descent from the twelve tribunes by whom the …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • DANDOLO (E.) — DANDOLO ENRICO (1108 env. 1205) Issu d’une famille restée assez obscure jusqu’au XIe siècle, Enrico Dandolo n’apparaît dans l’histoire vénitienne qu’en 1155: il est alors giudice et semble fait pour les seconds rôles. La crise orientale qui… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Enrico Dandolo — For the 19th century Risorgimento fighter, see Enrico Dandolo (patriot). Dandolo Preaching the Crusade by Gustave Doré Enrico Dandolo (1107? – 21 June 1205) anglicised as Henry Dandolo and Latinized as Henricus Dandulus was the 41st Doge of… …   Wikipedia

  • Enrico Dandolo — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Dandolo. Dandolo prêchant la croisade par Gustave Doré Enrico Dandolo, en lati …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Enrico — /en ree koh/; It. /en rddee kaw/, n. a male given name: Italian form of Henry. * * * (as used in expressions) Berlinguer Enrico Enrico Giuseppe Giovanni Boito Caruso Enrico Dandolo Enrico Fermi Enrico Enrico Nicola Mancini * * * …   Universalium

  • Enrico — (as used in expressions) Berlinguer, Enrico Enrico Giuseppe Giovanni Boito Caruso, Enrico Dandolo, Enrico Fermi, Enrico Enrico Nicola Mancini …   Enciclopedia Universal

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