Establishment, the — The Establishment embraces the hierarchy of institutions that combine to preserve the established order of society. The concept dates back to Edward I’s Model Parliament (1295) where, for the first time, representatives from outside the high… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture
establishment — es‧tab‧lish‧ment [ɪˈstæblɪʆmənt] noun 1. [countable] formal a business organization such as a shop or hotel: • Microwave ovens are now an essential piece of equipment in catering establishments (= restaurants etc ) . • a financial establishme … Financial and business terms
The Establishment — The Establishment † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Establishment (Or ESTABLISHED CHURCH) The union of Church and State setting up a definite and distinctive relation between the two is frequently expressed in English by the use of… … Catholic encyclopedia
The Smoking Ordinance (Hong Kong) — The Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Ordinance 2006 is a law passed by Legco on 19 October 2006 to prohibit smoking in certain areas within Hong Kong. First enacted in 1982, this amendment was gazetted on 27 October 2006.The Smoking Ban, as it … Wikipedia
Establishment — The Establishment (with a capital E) means ‘the group in society exercising authority or influence, and seen as resisting change’ and, by extension (with a small e), ‘any influential or controlling group’ as in the literary establishment, the… … Modern English usage
The Bollandists — The Bollandists † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Bollandists An association of ecclesiastical scholars engaged in editing the Acta Sanctorum. This work is a great hagiographical collection begun during the first years of the seventeenth… … Catholic encyclopedia
the establishment — ► [S] the important and powerful people who control a country, profession, or organization, especially those who support the existing situation: »Critics said judges were on the side of the establishment. »the business/medical/military… … Financial and business terms
(the) Establishment — the Establishment [the Establishment] noun [sing](esp BrE usu disapprov) the group … Useful english dictionary
(the) Eastern Establishment — the Eastern Establishment [the Eastern Establishment] (sometimes disapprov) the people and institutions in the north eastern US that have traditionally had great economic and political power in the country. These include the old, rich families in … Useful english dictionary
The Ashcombe School — Established 1976 Type Comprehensive school, Community school Headteacher David Blow[1] Specialism Language Location … Wikipedia