Fallopio, Gabriello

Fallopio, Gabriello
Fallopio, Gabriello
Anatomist (1523-1562)

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Gabriello Fallopio —     Gabriello Fallopio     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Gabriello Fallopio     Anatomist, one of the most important of the many sided physicians of the sixteenth century (Haeser); b. at Modena, Italy, 1523; d. 9 October, 1562, at Padua. Some writers …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Fallopio — n. family name; Gabriello Fallopio, Gabriel Fallopius (1523 1562), Italian physician and anatomist who discovered the Fallopian tubes and other elements of the female reproductive system …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Fallopio — noun Italian anatomist who first described the Fallopian tubes (1523 1562) • Syn: ↑Fallopius, ↑Gabriele Fallopius, ↑Gabriello Fallopio • Instance Hypernyms: ↑anatomist …   Useful english dictionary

  • Gabriello Fallopio — noun Italian anatomist who first described the Fallopian tubes (1523 1562) • Syn: ↑Fallopius, ↑Gabriele Fallopius, ↑Fallopio • Instance Hypernyms: ↑anatomist …   Useful english dictionary

  • Gabriello Fallopio — n. Gabriel Fallopius (1523 1562), Italian physician and anatomist who discovered the Fallopian tubes and other elements of the female reproductive system …   English contemporary dictionary

  • ФАЛЛОПИЙ Габриеле — (Fallopio, Gabriello) ГАБРИЕЛЕ ФАЛЛОПИЙ (ок. 1523 1562), итальянский анатом и врач. Родился в Модене в знатной, но обедневшей семье. Изучал медицину в Ферраре; получив диплом, учился и работал в различных медицинских школах Европы. В 1548 стал… …   Энциклопедия Кольера

  • Fallopius — noun Italian anatomist who first described the Fallopian tubes (1523 1562) • Syn: ↑Gabriele Fallopius, ↑Fallopio, ↑Gabriello Fallopio • Instance Hypernyms: ↑anatomist …   Useful english dictionary

  • Gabriele Fallopius — noun Italian anatomist who first described the Fallopian tubes (1523 1562) • Syn: ↑Fallopius, ↑Fallopio, ↑Gabriello Fallopio • Instance Hypernyms: ↑anatomist …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fallopius, Gabriel — Italian Gabriello Fallopio born 1523, Modena died Oct. 9, 1562, Padua Italian anatomist. He contributed greatly to knowledge of the ear and reproductive system. His observations of the dissection of cadavers are outlined in Observationes… …   Universalium

  • Fallopia — as described by de Loureiro is a synonym of Grewia. Fallopia is also the name of a character on the TV show Saul of the Mole Men. Taxobox name = Fallopia image width = 240px image caption = Fallopia dumetorum from Thomé, Flora von Deutschland,… …   Wikipedia

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