Garnet, Henry

Garnet, Henry
Garnet, Henry
English martyr, b. 1553-4; d. 1606

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Garnet, Henry Highland — born 1815, New Market, Md., U.S. died Feb. 13, 1882, Liberia U.S. clergyman and abolitionist. Born a slave, he escaped in 1824 to New York, where he became a Presbyterian minister. He joined the American Anti Slavery Society and agitated for… …   Universalium

  • GARNET, HENRY —    a noted Jesuit, son of a Nottingham schoolmaster, implicated in the Gunpowder Plot; bred in the Protestant faith, he early turned Catholic and went abroad and joined the Jesuit order; in 1588 he returned to England as Superior of the English… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Thomas Garnet Henry James — (* 8. Mai 1923 in Neath; † 16. Dezember 2009) war ein britischer Ägyptologe. Thomas Garnet Henry James studierte an der Universität Oxford, wichtigste akademische Lehrer waren Battiscombe Gunn und Alan Gardiner. 1947 machte er seinen Abschluss in …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Thomas Garnet Henry James — Égyptologue Pays de naissance  Pays de Galles Naissance 8 mai …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Garnet, Henry Highland — (1815, New Market, Md., EE.UU.–13 feb. 1882, Liberia). Clérigo y abolicionista estadounidense. Nacido esclavo, en 1824 huyó a Nueva York, donde se hizo ministro presbiteriano. Ingresó a la Sociedad contra la esclavitud e hizo campaña en favor de… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Henry Garnet —     Henry Garnet     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Henry Garnet     (Garnett.)     English martyr, b. 1553 4; d. 1606, son of Brian Garnet, master of Nottingham School, then noted for its Catholic tendencies. He was, however, presumably a conformist… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • henry — /hen ree/, n., pl. henries, henrys. Elect. the SI unit of inductance, formally defined to be the inductance of a closed circuit in which an electromotive force of one volt is produced when the electric current in the circuit varies uniformly at a …   Universalium

  • Henry — /hen ree/, n. 1. Joseph, 1797 1878, U.S. physicist. 2. O., pen name of William Sydney Porter. 3. Patrick, 1736 99, American patriot, orator, and statesman. 4. Cape, a cape in SE Virginia at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. 5. Fort. See …   Universalium

  • Henry — ► sustantivo masculino ELECTRICIDAD Denominación del henrio en la nomenclatura internacional. IRREG. plural henrys * * * henrio o henry (de J. Henry, físico inglés) m. Fís. Unidad de inductancia eléctrica en el Sistema Internacional. * * * …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • henry — ► sustantivo masculino ELECTRICIDAD Denominación del henrio en la nomenclatura internacional. IRREG. plural henrys * * * henrio o henry (de J. Henry, físico inglés) m. Fís. Unidad de inductancia eléctrica en el Sistema Internacional. * * * henry …   Enciclopedia Universal

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