Allouez, Claude

Allouez, Claude
Allouez, Claude
Jesuit missionary and explorer (1620-1689)

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Allouez, Claude-Jean — ▪ Jesuit missionary born June 6, 1622, Saint Didier, Fr. died August 27/28, 1689, near Ft. St. Joseph, New France       Jesuit missionary to New France who has been called the founder of Catholicism in the West.       Allouez entered the Society… …   Universalium

  • Claude-Jean Allouez — (June 6, 1622 – August 28, 1689) was a Jesuit missionary and French explorer of North America.[1] Allouez was born in Saint Didier en Velay in the département of Haute Loire in south central France. In 1639, he graduated from the College of Le… …   Wikipedia

  • Claude Allouez —     Claude Allouez     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Claude Allouez     One of the most famous of the early Jesuit missionaries and explorers of what is now the western part of the United States; born in France, 1620; died in 1689, near the St. John… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Allouez — Claude Jean Allouez Claude Jean Allouez (1622 1689) est un jésuite et un missionnaire du Canada. Né à Saint Didier, dans le Velay en France, le 6 juin 1622, il entra chez les Jésuites à Toulouse en 1639 et fut ordonné prêtre vers 1655. Troisième… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Claude-Jean Allouez — (1622 1689) est un jésuite missionnaire d origine française ayant exercé la majeure partie de sa vie comme missionnaire en Nouvelle France. Sommaire 1 Jeunesse et formation religieuse 2 Arrivée et premier mandat en Nouvelle France …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Allouez — may refer to:;People *Claude Jean Allouez (1622 1689), Jesuit missionary and French explorer in North America;Places *Allouez, Wisconsin in Brown County *Allouez Bay, in Douglas County Wisconsin on Lake Superior *Allouez Township, Michigan …   Wikipedia

  • Allouez — ist der Name mehrerer Orte in den Vereinigten Staaten: Allouez (Michigan) Allouez (Brown County, Wisconsin) Allouez (Douglas County, Wisconsin) Alluez Township, Michigan Alluez Bay, Bay am Lake Superior in Wisconsin Personen: Claude Jean Allouez… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Claude Dablon — (February 1618 – May 3, 1697) was a Jesuit missionary, born in Dieppe, France. At the age of twenty one he entered the Society of Jesus, and after his course of studies and teaching in France, arrived in Canada in 1655. He was at once dispatched… …   Wikipedia

  • Allouez —   [alu e], Claude Jean, französischer Missionar und Forschungsreisender, Jesuit, * Saint Didier (Velay, Département Haute Loire) 5. 6. 1622, ✝ bei Niles (Michigan, USA) 28. 8. 1689; missionierte mit großem Erfolg seit 1658 im Gebiet des Sankt… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Claude Dablon —     Claude Dablon     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Claude Dablon     Jesuit missionary, born at Dieppe, France, in February, 1618; died at Quebec, 3 May, 1697. At the age of twenty one he entered the Society of Jesus, and after his course of studies …   Catholic encyclopedia

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