Gifford, William

Gifford, William
Gifford, William
Archbishop of Reims; b. in Hampshire, 1554; d. at Reims, 11 April, 1629

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Gifford, William — ▪ British editor and scholar born April 1756, Ashburton, Devonshire, Eng. died Dec. 31, 1826, London  English satirical poet, classical scholar, and early editor of 17th century English playwrights, best known as the first editor (1809–24) of the …   Universalium

  • Gifford, William — (1756 1826)    Born in Ashburton, Devon, the son of a glazier of South Molton, he became classical scholar and satirical poet. Orphaned at the age of twelve, he was sent to sea, then apprenticed to a shoemaker. William Cookesley, a surgeon who… …   British and Irish poets

  • GIFFORD, WILLIAM —    an English man of letters, born in Ashburton, Devonshire; left friendless and penniless at an early age by the death of his parents, he first served as a cabin boy, and subsequently for four years worked as a cobbler s apprentice; through the… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Gifford, William — (1756 1826)    Critic and poet, was b. of humble parentage at Ashburton, Devonshire, and after being for a short time at sea, was apprenticed to a cobbler. Having, however, shown signs of superior ability, and a desire for learning, he was… …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

  • Gifford — may refer to:* Gifford, East Lothian, Scotland *United States ** Gifford, Florida ** Gifford, Illinois ** Gifford, Indiana ** Gifford, Iowa ** Gifford, Pennsylvania ** Gifford, South Carolina ** Gifford School, a special education school in… …   Wikipedia

  • William Gifford — um 1800 William Gifford William Gifford (* 17. April …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gifford — Gifford, William, geb. 1757 zu Ashburton, engl. Dichter u. einflußreicher Publicist, war zuerst Schiffsjunge, dann Schuhmacherlehrling u. bildete sich später durch Studien. Während des franz. Revolutionskriegs schrieb er den »Antijakobiner«;… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • William Sproul — William Cameron Sproul William Cameron Sproul (* 16. September 1870 im Lancaster County, Pennsylvania ; † 21. März 1928) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker und von 1919 bis 1923 der 28. Gouverneur von Pennsylvania …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gifford Pinchot — (1909) Gifford Pinchot (* 11. August 1865 in Simsbury, Hartford County, Connecticut; † 4. Oktober 1946 in New York City) war ein bedeutender US amerikanischer Forstwissenschaftler, Politiker der …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • William Hazlitt — (10 April 1778 ndash; 18 September 1830) was an English writer remembered for his humanistic essays and literary criticism. Hazlitt was a prominent English literary critic, grammarian and philosopher. He is considered one of the greatest critics… …   Wikipedia

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