Gilbertines, Order of

Gilbertines, Order of
Gilbertines, Order of
Founded by St. Gilbert, about the year 1130, at Sempringham, Gilbert's native place, where he was then parish priest

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Order of Gilbertines —     Order of Gilbertines     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Order of Gilbertines     Founded by St. Gilbert, about the year 1130, at Sempringham, Gilbert s native place, where he was then parish priest. His wish originally had been to found a… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • Gilbertine Order — The Gilbertine Order of Canons Regular was founded around 1130 by Saint Gilbert in Sempringham, Lincolnshire, where Gilbert was the parish priest. It was the only completely English religious order and came to an end in the 16th century at the… …   Wikipedia

  • Gilbert of Sempringham, Saint — ▪ Roman Catholic priest Gilbert also spelled  Guilbert   born c. 1083, , Sempringham, Lincolnshire, Eng. died Feb. 4, 1189, Sempringham; canonized 1202; feast day February 4, feast day in Northampton and Nottingham February 16       English… …   Universalium

  • ГИЛЬБЕРТИНЦЫ — [лат. gilbertines], средневек. католич. монашеский орден в Англии. Получил название по имени основателя католич. св. Гильберта из Семпрингема (1083/89 1189, канонизирован в 1202, пам. 4 февр.). Св. Гильберт, будучи приходским священником, при… …   Православная энциклопедия

  • List of abbeys and priories in England — Contents 1 Overview 1.1 Article layout 2 Abbreviations and key …   Wikipedia

  • Gilbert of Sempringham — (c. 1083–1189)    Saint and Order Founder.    Gilbert was born in Sempringham, now in Lincolnshire, England. After ordination, he became the parish priest of Sempringham and there he encouraged seven women to follow the Cistercian Rule. The order …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Orden gilbertina — Sello del Maestro de la Orden, abad de Sempringham y prior general de la orden Tipo Orden religiosa doble: femenino (orden monástica) asistido por una orden masculina (orden de canónigos regulares) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Gilbertine — Ordre de Saint Gilbert L abbaye gilbertine de Watton (Yorkshire de l Est) L ordre de Saint Gilbert, ou ordre des Gilbertins, a été fondé par saint Gilbert en 1130, à Sempringham, où il était né et était devenu ensuite curé de la paroisse. Ce fut… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ordre de Saint-Gilbert — 52° 52′ 43″ N 0° 21′ 34″ W / 52.87863, 0.35949 …   Wikipédia en Français

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