Gregory of Tours, Saint

Gregory of Tours, Saint
Gregory of Tours, Saint
Lengthy article about this bishop, historian, and theologian. He died in 593 or 594

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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  • Gregory of Tours,Saint — Gregory of Tours (to͝or, to͞or), Saint. 538 594. Frankish prelate and historian who produced a valuable history of the sixth century Franks. * * * …   Universalium

  • Gregory of Tours, Saint — orig. Georgius Florentius born Nov. 30?, 538/539, Clermont, Aquitaine? died Nov. 17, 594?, Tours, Neustria Frankish bishop and writer. Born into an aristocratic family that had produced several bishops of what is today central France, Gregory… …   Universalium

  • Gregory of Tours — Saint (A.D. 538? 594?); Frank. historian & bishop: his day is Nov. 17 …   English World dictionary

  • Gregory of Tours — Infobox Saint name=Saint Gregory of Tours birth date=November 30 c. 538 death date=death date|593|11|17|mf=y or 594cite encyclopedia | title =St. Gregory of Tours | encyclopedia =The Catholic Encyclopedia | volume =7 | publisher =Robert Appleton… …   Wikipedia

  • Gregory of Tours — (ca. 538–594)    Gregory of Tours was a sixth century Gallo Roman bishop, historian, and writer of SAINTS’ LIVES, whose Historia Francorum (History of the Franks) is our most important source for the history of early Merovingian France.… …   Encyclopedia of medieval literature

  • Gregory of Tours — Saint, A.D. 538? 594, Frankish bishop and historian. * * * …   Universalium

  • Gregory of Tours — Saint, A.D. 538? 594, Frankish bishop and historian …   Useful english dictionary

  • Gregory of Tours — Greg′ory of Tours′ n. anh big Saint, a.d. 538?–594, Frankish bishop and historian …   From formal English to slang

  • Gregory of Tours — biographical name Saint 538 594 Frankish ecclesiastic & historian …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Gregory of Tours — /tʊə/ (say toouh) noun Saint, 538?–594, Frankish bishop and historian …  

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