Guardi, Francesco

Guardi, Francesco
Guardi, Francesco
Venetian painter (1712-1793)

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Guardi, Francesco — born 1712, Venice died 1793, Venice Italian landscape painter. He and his two brothers collaborated in a flourishing studio workshop in Venice; their sister was married to Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. By the 1750s Francesco was producing vedute… …   Universalium

  • Guardi, Francesco — ► (1712 93) Pintor italiano. Autor de La fiesta de la Ascensión en Venecia y Regatas en el Gran Canal. * * * (1712, Venecia–1793, Venecia). Paisajista italiano. Él y sus dos hermanos colaboraron en un próspero taller en Venecia; la hermana estaba …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Guardi — Guardi, Francesco …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Francesco Guardi — Francesco Guardi, retratado por Pietro Longhi,1764 Nombre de nacimiento Francesco Lázaro Guardi …   Wikipedia Español

  • Francesco Guardi — Francesco Lazzaro Guardi (October 5, 1712 ndash; January 1, 1793) was a Venetian painter of veduta. He is considered to be among the last practitioners, along with his brothers, of the classic Venetian school of painting. BiographyFrancesco… …   Wikipedia

  • Francesco Guardi — Francesco Guardi, peint par Pietro Longhi, 1764, Venise, Ca Rezzonico …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Francesco Guardi —     Francesco Guardi     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Francesco Guardi     Venetian painter; born at Venice, 1712; died in the same city, 1793. He was a pupil of Canaletto, and in style a close follower of his master. Of his life practically nothing …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Guardi — (izg. guȃrdi), Francesco (1712 1793) DEFINICIJA kasnobarokni talijanski slikar; religiozno i genre slikarstvo; tek nakon 1750. počinje slikati venecijanske vedute pod utjecajem tradicije Canaletta (radio u njegovu studiju); posebna titrajuća… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Guardi — (Francesco) (1712 1793) peintre italien; élève de Canaletto, surtout connu pour ses vedute (vues) des bords de la lagune à Venise …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Guardi, Gianantonio — ▪ Venetian painter in full  Giovanni Antonio Guardi  born May 1699, Vienna died Jan. 23, 1760, Venice       painter of the 18th century Venetian school.       He was trained by his father Domenico Guardi (1678–1716). After his father s death,… …   Universalium

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