Jubilees, Book of

Jubilees, Book of
Jubilees, Book of
An apocryphal writing, so called from the fact that the narratives and stories contained in it are arranged throughout in a fanciful chronological system of jubilee-periods of forty-nine years each; each event is recorded as having taken place in such a week of such a month of such a Jubilee year

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • JUBILEES, BOOK OF — JUBILEES, BOOK OF, pseudepigraphic work dating from the middle of the Second Temple period. It purports to be the secret revelation of the angel of the Divine Presence to Moses, upon his second ascent to Mount Sinai. Names The original title of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Jubilees, Book of — ▪ pseudepigraphal work also called  the Little Genesis,         pseudepigraphal work (not included in any canon of scripture), most notable for its chronological schema, by which events described in Genesis on through Exodus 12 are dated by… …   Universalium

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  • Book of Jubilees —     Book of Jubilees     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Book of Jubilees     (ta Iobelaia).     An apocryphal writing, so called from the fact that the narratives and stories contained in it are arranged throughout in a fanciful chronological system… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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