Lehnin, Abbey of

Lehnin, Abbey of
Lehnin, Abbey of
Founded in 1180 by Otto II, Margrave of Brandenburg, for Cistercian monks

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Lehnin Abbey — is a former Cistercian monastery in Lehnin in Brandenburg, Germany. Since the Reformation it has accommodated the Luise Henrietten Stift, a Protestant community.HistoryThe abbey was founded in 1180 with the support of Otto I, Margrave of… …   Wikipedia

  • Abbey of Lehnin —     Abbey of Lehnin     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Abbey of Lehnin     Founded in 1180 by Otto II, Margrave of Brandenburg, for Cistercian monks. Situated about eight miles to the south east of Brandenburg, its church was a fine example of… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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