Lumper, Gottfried

Lumper, Gottfried
Lumper, Gottfried
Benedictine patristic writer, born 6 Feb., 1747, at Füssen in Bavaria; died 8 March, 1800 (Hefele says 1801), at the Abbey of St. George at Billingen in the Black Forest

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Gottfried Lumper —     Gottfried Lumper     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Gottfried Lumper     Benedictine patristic writer, born 6 Feb., 1747, at Füssen in Bavaria; died 8 March, 1800 (Hefele says 1801), at the Abbey of St. George at Billingen in the Black Forest. At… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Lumper — Lumper, Gottfried, geb. 1747 zu Füssen im Algau, war Präfect des Gymnasiums in Willingen u. Prior, Professor der Theologie u. Pfarrer in einem benachbarten Dorfe u. st. 1801. Er schr.: De vita, scriptis atque doctrina S. Patrum aliorumque… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Lumper — may refer to:* Gottfried Lumper (1747–1800), German Benedictine patristic writer * Lumper (taxonomy), an individual who takes a gestalt view of a definition …   Wikipedia

  • Gottfried Lumper — (born 6 February1747, at Füssen in Bavaria; died 8 March1800 (Hefele says 1801), at the Abbey of St. George at Billingen in the Black Forest) was a German Benedictine patristic writer.LifeAt an early age he commenced his education at the abbey… …   Wikipedia

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