Lyons, First Council of

Lyons, First Council of
Lyons, First Council of
Innocent IV, threatened by Emperor Frederick II, arrived at Lyons 2 December, 1244, and early in 1245 summoned the bishops and princes to the council

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • First Council of Lyons —     First Council of Lyons (1245)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► First Council of Lyons (1245)     Innocent IV, threatened by Emperor Frederick II, arrived at Lyons 2 December, 1244, and early in 1245 summoned the bishops and princes to the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • First Council of Lyon — Ecumenical council|council name=First Council of Lyon council date=1245 accepted by=Catholicism previous=Fourth Council of the Lateran next=Second Council of Lyon convoked by=Pope Innocent IV presided by=Pope Innocent IV attendance=250… …   Wikipedia

  • First Council of Lyons — noun the council of the Western Church in 1245 that excommunicated Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II and planned a new crusade against the Holy Land • Syn: ↑Lyons • Hypernyms: ↑council …   Useful english dictionary

  • Council of Vienne — Date 1311 1312 Accepted by Roman Catholicism Previous council Second Council of Lyons Next council Council of Constance Convoked by Pope …   Wikipedia

  • Lyons — noun 1. the council of the Western Church in 1245 that excommunicated Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II and planned a new crusade against the Holy Land • Syn: ↑First Council of Lyons • Hypernyms: ↑council 2. a city in east central France on the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lyons —     Lyons     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Lyons     The Archdiocese of Lyons (Lugdunensis) comprises the Department of the Rhône (except the Canton of Villeurbanne, which belongs to the Diocese of Grenoble) and of the Loire. The Concordat of 1801… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Lyons — is used to refer to many different people, places and other entities.Places In Europe * Lyons la Forêt, France * Lyons, Tyne and Wear, England * Lyons Hill, Ireland In the United States * Lyons, Colorado * Lyons, Georgia * Lyons, Illinois * Lyons …   Wikipedia

  • Council of Constance —     Council of Constance     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Council of Constance     A (partly) ecumenical council held at Constance, now in the Grand Duchy of Baden, from 5 Nov., 1414, to 22 April, 1418. Its forty five general sessions were devoted… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • LYONS, Joseph Aloysius (1879-1939) — prime minister of Australia was born at Circular Head near Stanley, Tasmania, on 15 September 1879. His father, Michael Lyons, was a successful farmer who afterwards engaged in a butchery and bakery business, but lost this on account of bad… …   Dictionary of Australian Biography

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