Apocalypse, Book of

Apocalypse, Book of
Apocalypse, Book of
The name given to the last book in the Bible, also called the Book of Revelation

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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  • Book of Revelation — For other uses, see Book of Revelation (disambiguation). Books of the New Testament …   Wikipedia

  • Apocalypse — (Greek: unicode|Ἀποκάλυψις Apokálypsis ; lifting of the veil ) is a term applied to the disclosure to certain privileged persons of something hidden from the majority of humankind. Today the term is often used to refer to the end of the world,… …   Wikipedia

  • Apocalypse —     Apocalypse     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Apocalypse     Apocalypse, from the verb apokalypto, to reveal, is the name given to the last book in the Bible. It is also called the Book of Revelation.     Although a Christian work, the Apocalypse… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Apocalypse (disambiguation) — Apocalypse is the Greek for revelation . It may refer to:* any work of Apocalyptic literature ** The Apocalypse of John: a book of the New Testament **Apocalypse of Peter **Apocalypse of Paul **Apocalypse of Thomas **Apocalypse of Stephen… …   Wikipedia

  • APOCALYPSE — (Gr. ἁποκαλυψις; revelation ), term which, strictly speaking, denotes the Jewish literature of revelations which arose after the cessation of prophecy and the Christian writings that derived from this Jewish literature. The major purpose of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Apocalypse in other media — Apocalypse is an enemy of the X Men, and has been included in almost every media adaptation of the X Men franchise, including television, computer and video games.Animation X Men: The Animated Series Apocalypse appears in the X Men animated… …   Wikipedia

  • Apocalypse Culture — is a book edited by Adam Parfrey. It is a collection of texts showcasing a variety of examples of, and reactions to, eschatological madness, extreme perversion, conspiracy theories , and aesthetic nihilism.First published by Amok Press in 1987… …   Wikipedia

  • Apocalypse Culture II — is a book edited by Adam Parfrey and published by Feral House in 2000 (ISBN 0 922915 57 1). A sequel to his previous work, Apocalypse Culture , it continues the probing of societal taboos, with special attention given to child pornography,… …   Wikipedia

  • Apocalypse — A*poc a*lypse, n. [L. apocalypsis, Gr. ?, fr. ? to uncover, to disclose; ? from + ? to cover, conceal: cf. F. apocalypse.] 1. (Eccl.) One of a numerous class of writings proceeding from Jewish authors between 250 b. c. and 150 a. d., and designed …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Book of Daniel —     Book of Daniel     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Book of Daniel     In the Hebrew Bible, and in most recent Protestant (Protestantism) versions, the Book of Daniel is limited to its proto canonical portions. In the Septuagint, the Vulgate, and… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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