1Essai historique sur la révolution du Paraguay et le gouvernement dictatorial du docteur Francia , Johann Rengger (1827)
Полный вариант заголовка: «Essai historique sur la révolution du Paraguay et le gouvernement dictatorial du docteur Francia / par mm. Rengger et Longchamp» руб электронная книга2Conversacion en La Catedral , Mario Vargas Llosa (2016)
Conversaci&# 243;n en La Catedral es algo m&# 225;s que un hito en el derrotero literario del Premio Nobel de Literatura Mario Vargas Llosa: es un punto de referencia insoslayable, un dato fijo en la… 1735 руб3Anna of the Five Towns , Arnold Bennett (1980)
Anna of the Five Towns is a novel by Arnold Bennett, first published in 1902 and one of his best-known works. The plot centres on Anna Tellwright, daughter of a wealthy but miserly and dictatorial… 260 руб4Dissonant Lives. Generations and Violence Through the German Dictatorships , Fulbrook Mary (2011)
Dissonant Lives is not a standard'history of Germany'in the twentieth century, or even of the German dictatorships. It is concerned with the ways in which Germans of different ages and life stages… 5641 руб5Villette , Bronte Ch. (2016)
This is the "Penguin English Library Edition" of" Villette" by Charlotte Bronte." That evening more firmly than ever fastened into my soul the conviction that Fate was of stone, and Hope a false idol… 396 руб