1Mechanics of Rubber Bearings for Seismic and Vibration Isolation , Konstantinidis Dimitrios
Widely used in civil, mechanical and automotive engineering since the early 1980s, multilayer rubber bearings have been used as seismic isolation devices for buildings in highly seismic areas in… 10848.59 руб электронная книга2Circulating Tumor Cells. Isolation and Analysis , Mark Vitha F.
Introduces the reader to Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs), their isolation method and analysis, and commercially available platforms Presents the historical perspective and the overview of the field of… 11578.82 руб электронная книга3Natural Products. Isolation, Structure Elucidation, History , Stefan Berger
Written by experienced authors, this book presents numerous natural everyday products with a high range of structural diversity. Twenty natural products have been arranged in five sections… 10302.26 руб электронная книга4The Isolation and Identification of Some of the Compounds of Coal Tar Creosote , Huntley Howard White (2011)
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по… 679 руб5The isolation plan, with papers on the covenant , Blymyer William Hervey (2011)
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по… 682 руб6From isolation to leadership, a review of American foreign policy , Latane John Holladay (2011)
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по… 1308 руб7Die K&# 228;lte: Eine Isolation , Thomas Bernhard
Mit der Einweisung in die Lungenheilst&# 228;tte Grafenhof endet der dritte Teil von Thomas Bernhards Jugenderinnerungen, und ein neues Kapitel in der Leidensgeschichte des Achtzehnj&# 228;hrigen… 1069 руб8Die K&228;lte: Eine Isolation , Thomas Bernhard
Mit der Einweisung in die Lungenheilst&228;tte Grafenhof endet der dritte Teil von Thomas Bernhards Jugenderinnerungen, und ein neues Kapitel in der Leidensgeschichte des Achtzehnj&228;hrigen… 1383 грн (только Украина)9Production of Membrane Proteins. Strategies for Expression and Isolation , Anne Robinson Skaja
Designed as a research-level guide to current strategies and methods of membrane protein production on the small to intermediate scale, this practice-oriented book provides detailed, step-by-step… 2181.42 руб электронная книга10Handbook of Biodegradable Polymers. Isolation, Synthesis, Characterization and Applications , Sisson Adam
A comprehensive overview of biodegradable polymers, covering everything from synthesis, characterization, and degradation mechanisms while also introducing useful applications, such as drug delivery… 16702.14 руб электронная книга