transcendent delight

  • 61ANTHROPOMORPHISM — ANTHROPOMORPHISM, the attribution to God of human physical form or psychological characteristics. Anthropomorphism is a normal phenomenon in all primitive and ancient polytheistic religions. In Jewish literary sources from the Bible to the… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 62CONSERVATION — Introduction In consequence of the establishment in Israel of a Ministry for the Environment it is appropriate to take stock of the deep concern for the environment and its conservation which, from its earliest documents onwards, infuses Jewish… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 63ETHICS — IN THE BIBLE There is no abstract, comprehensive concept in the Bible which parallels the modern concept of ethics. The term musar designates ethics in later Hebrew, but in the Bible it indicates merely the educational function fulfilled by the… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 64ḤASIDISM — ḤASIDISM, a popular religious movement giving rise to a pattern of communal life and leadership as well as a particular social outlook which emerged in Judaism and Jewry in the second half of the 18th century. Ecstasy, mass enthusiasm, close knit …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 65LOVE — In the Bible In the Bible, love has, like the word love in most languages, many and various shades of meaning. HEBREW WORDS FOR LOVE. It is represented by Hebrew words which range from sensuous, and often evil, desire or passionate love between… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 66PROPHETS AND PROPHECY — This article is arranged according to the following outline: in the bible classifications nature of prophecy origin and function dreams divination pre classical prophets terminology group prophecy ecstasy group life of prophets role in society… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 67SHEKHINAH — (Heb. שְׁכִינָה; lit. dwelling, resting ), or Divine Presence, refers most often in rabbinic literature to the numinous immanence of God in the world. The Shekhinah is God viewed in spatio temporal terms as a presence, particularly in a this… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism