Wolsey, Thomas

Wolsey, Thomas
Wolsey, Thomas
Cardinal Archbishop of York (1471-1530)

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Wolsey, Thomas — (ca. 1472 1530)    English clergyman and states man. Born the son of an innkeeper and butcher at Ipswich, Wolsey was educated at Magdalen College, Oxford, where he became master of the affiliated grammar school. In 1501, however, he left Oxford… …   Historical Dictionary of Renaissance

  • Wolsey, Thomas — (c. 1474–1530)    Cardinal and Politician.    Wolsey was born in Ipswich and he was educated at the University of Oxford. He enjoyed a meteoric rise in both the Church and the State. He became chaplain to King Henry VII in 1507, a Privy… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Wolsey,Thomas — Wol·sey (wo͝olʹzē), Thomas. 1475? 1530. English prelate and politician. The influential chief adviser to Henry VIII, he fell from favor after failing to secure papal approval of Henry s divorce from Catherine of Aragon (1529). * * * …   Universalium

  • Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal — born с 1475, Ipswich, Suffolk, Eng. died Nov. 29, 1530, Leicester, Leicestershire English prelate and statesman. He served as chaplain to Henry VII and later Henry VIII, for whom he organized the successful campaign against the French (1513). On… …   Universalium

  • Wolsey, Thomas — ► (¿1473 1530) Prelado y estadista inglés, lord canciller (1515) y arzobispo de York (1514), cardenal y legado de Inglaterra. Reunió los poderes civil y eclesiástico y emprendió una firme política de reforzamiento del poder real en el interior …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • WOLSEY, THOMAS —    cardinal, born at Ipswich, son of a well to do grazier and wool merchant; educated at Magdalen College, Oxford; entered the Church early; gained the favour of Henry VII., and was promoted by him for his services to the deanery of Lincoln; this …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Wolsey, Thomas, cardenal — ( 1475, Ipswich, Suffolk, Inglaterra–29 nov. 1530, Leicester, Leicestershire). Prelado y estadista inglés. Fue capellán de Enrique VII y luego de Enrique VIII, para quien organizó la victoriosa campaña contra los franceses (1513). Por… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Wolsey — Wolsey, Thomas …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Thomas Wolsey — Cardenal presbítero de Sta. Cecilia Arzobispo de York retrato por Sampson Strong en la Christ Church (1526) Ordenación 10 de marzo de 1498 Consagración episc …   Wikipedia Español

  • Thomas Cardinal Wolsey —     Thomas Wolsey     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Thomas Wolsey     Cardinal, Archbishop of York, b. at Ipswitch, the usually accepted date, 1471, being probably three or four years too early; d. at Leicester Abbey, 29 November, 1530. His father,… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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