- Rosary, Breviary Hymns of the
- Rosary, Breviary Hymns of the
• Their author was a pious client of Mary, Eustace Sirena
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Breviary Hymns of the Rosary — Breviary Hymns of the Rosary † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Breviary Hymns of the Rosary The proper office granted by Leo XIII (5 August, 1888) to the feast contains four hymns which, because of the pontiff s great devotion to the Rosary… … Catholic encyclopedia
Hymns to Mary — Eastern Orthodox icon of the Praises of the Theotokos, before which the Akathist hymn to Mary may be chanted. Marian Hymns are Christian songs focused on the Virgin Mary. They are used in both devotional and liturgical services, particularly by… … Wikipedia
Canonical hours — Benedictine monks singing Vespers on Holy Saturday. Canonical hours are divisions of time which serve as increments between the prescribed prayers of the daily round. A Book of Hours contains such a set of prayers. In western Catholicism,… … Wikipedia
Hymnody and Hymnology — • Hymnody means exactly hymn song , but as the hymn singer as well as the hymn poet are included under (hymnodos), so we also include under hymnody the hymnal verse or religious lyric. Hymnology is the science of hymnody or the historico… … Catholic encyclopedia
Stabat Mater — • The opening words of two companion hymns, one of which (Stabat Mater Dolorosa) is in liturgical use, while the other (Stabat Mater Speciosa) is not Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Stabat Mater Stabat Mater … Catholic encyclopedia
Hymn — • A derivative of the Latin hymnus, which comes from the Greek hymnos, derived from hydein, to sing Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Hymn Hymn … Catholic encyclopedia
Salve Mundi Salutare — • A poem in honour of the various members of Christ on the Cross Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Salve Mundi Salutare Salve Mundi Salutare … Catholic encyclopedia
Liturgy — • A Greek composite word meaning originally a public duty, a service to the state undertaken by a citizen Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Liturgy Liturgy … Catholic encyclopedia
Anglicanism — Part of a series on the Anglican Communion … Wikipedia
Tridentine Mass — For the forms of the Mass liturgy prior to 1570, see Pre Tridentine Mass. Tridentine Mass in a chapel of the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston The Tridentine Mass is the form of the Roman Rite Mass contained in the typical editions … Wikipedia