- Sánchez, Alonzo
- Sánchez, Alonzo
• Jesuit missionary and writer, born in Mondejar, Guadalajara, Spain, in 1547; died at Alcalá, 27 May, 1593
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Sánchez, Alonzo Coello — • Painter • Born at Benyfayro, Valenciz, Spain, in 1513 or 1515; died at Madrid, 1590 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Alonzo Sanchez — Alonzo Sánchez † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Alonzo Sánchez Born in Mondejar, Guadalajara, Spain, in 1547; died at Alcalá, 27 May, 1593. He entered the Society of Jesus at Alcalá on 27 May, 1565. He was rector of the college of… … Catholic encyclopedia
Alonzo Coello Sanchez — Alonzo Coello Sánchez † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Alonzo Coello Sánchez Born at Benyfayro, Valenciz, Spain, in 1513 or 1515; died at Madrid, 1590. His name Coello is certainly Portuguese, and was probably that of his mother. From his… … Catholic encyclopedia
Alonzo Sánchez — (born in Mondejar, Guadalajara, Spain, in 1547; died at Alcalá, 27 May1593) was a Spanish Jesuit missionary, one of the first Jesuits in the Philippines.LifeHe entered the Society of Jesus at Alcalá on 27 May, 1565. He was rector of the college… … Wikipedia
Sánchez Ramírez (provincia) — Sánchez Ramírez Provincia de la República Dominicana Sánchez Ramírez en la República Dominicana … Wikipedia Español
Daniel Sanchez (French footballer) — Daniel Sanchez Personal information Date of birth November 21, 1953 … Wikipedia
Marco Sanchez — Données clés Naissance 9 janvier 1970 … Wikipédia en Français
La Mata (Sánchez Ramírez) — Este artículo o sección sobre Geografía necesita ser wikificado con un formato acorde a las convenciones de estilo. Por favor, edítalo para que las cumpla. Mientras tanto, no elimines este aviso puesto el 29 de octubre de 2008. También puedes… … Wikipedia Español
Saison 2007-2008 du Paris Saint-Germain — Paris SG Saison 2007 2008 … Wikipédia en Français
Saison 2007-2008 du Paris Saint-Germain Football Club — Saison 2007 2008 du Paris Saint Germain Saison 2007 2008 du Paris Saint Germain Président Alain Cayzac puis Simon Tahar Entraîneur(s) Paul Le Guen … Wikipédia en Français