Schlegel, Friedrich von

Schlegel, Friedrich von
Schlegel, Friedrich von
Poet, writer on aesthetics, and literary historian, the 'Messias' of the Romantic School, b. at Hanover, 10 March, 1772; d. at Dresden, 12 January, 1829

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Schlegel, Friedrich von — born March 10, 1772, Hannover, Hanover died Jan. 12, 1829, Dresden, Saxony German writer and critic. He contributed many of his projects and theories to journals such as Athenäum (1798–1800), the quarterly he and his brother August Wilhelm von… …   Universalium

  • Schlegel, Friedrich von — (10 mar. 1772, Hannover, Alemania–12 ene. 1829, Dresde, Sajonia). Escritor y crítico alemán. Contribuyó con muchos de sus proyectos y teorías a diarios y revistas culturales, entre ellos Athenäum (1798–1800), la revista trimestral que fundó con… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • SCHLEGEL, FRIEDRICH VON —    German critic and author, born at Hanover, brother of preceding, joined his brother at Jena, and collaborated with him; became a zealous promoter of all the Romantic movements, and sought relief for his yearnings in the bosom of the Catholic… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Friedrich von Schlegel —     Friedrich von Schlegel     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Friedrich von Schlegel     Poet, writer on aesthetics, and literary historian, the Messias of the Romantic School, b. at Hanover, 10 March, 1772; d. at Dresden, 12 January, 1829. Of the two …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • SCHLEGEL (F. von) — C’est le second des frères Schlegel qui a su véritablement se créer dans le milieu littéraire à la fin du XVIIIe siècle et au début du XIXe une place exceptionnelle. Régénération de la critique littéraire, invention du concept fondamental de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Friedrich von Schlegel — (1790) Karl Wilhelm Friedrich von Schlegel (* 10. März 1772 in Hannover; † 12. Januar 1829 in Dresden) war ein deutscher Kulturphilosoph, Philosoph, Kritiker, Literaturhistoriker und …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Friedrich von Schiller — Ludovike Simanowiz: Friedrich Schiller (1794) Schillers Unterschrift Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, 1802 geadelt (* 10. November …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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