- Schongauer, Martin
- Schongauer, Martin
• German painter and engraver, b. at Colmar between 1445 and 1450; d. probably in 1491, it is believed at BreisachCatholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Schongauer, Martin — born 1445/50, Colmar, Alsace died Feb. 2, 1491, Breisach, Baden German painter and printmaker. Though a prolific painter whose panels were sought in many countries, it was as an engraver that he was unrivaled in northern Europe. His engravings,… … Universalium
Schongauer, Martin — (c. 1435 1491) German painter and engraver. The son of a goldsmith, Schongauer moved with his family from Augsburg to Colmar in c. 1440, becoming a citizen there in 1445. Twenty years later, he is recorded at the University of Leipzig, though… … Dictionary of Renaissance art
Schongauer, Martin — (born between 1435 and 1450; died 1491) Alsatian painter and engraver, trained by his father, a goldsmith of Colmar. He is one of the most important German painters of the late Gothic period. As an apprentice he may have traveled in Spain and… … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
Schongauer, Martin — (1445/50, Colmar, Alsacia–2 feb. 1491, Breisach, Baden). Pintor y grabador alemán. Aunque fue un pintor prolífico, cuyos paneles eran requeridos en muchos países, su trabajo como grabador logró un reconocimiento incomparable en el norte de Europa … Enciclopedia Universal
Martin Schongauer — Büste Schongauers i … Deutsch Wikipedia
Schongauer — Martin Schongauer Martin Schongauer (statue par Bartholdi (1860), à Colmar) … Wikipédia en Français
Martin Schongauer — Martin Schongauer † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Martin Schongauer (Also known as SCHON). German painter and engraver, b. at Colmar between 1445 and 1450; d. probably in 1491, it is believed at Breisach. He was the son of Caspar… … Catholic encyclopedia
Schongauer — Schongauer, Martin, genannt M. Schön, Bel Martino, Beau Martin [bomar tɛ̃], Maler und Kupferstecher, * Colmar um 1450, ✝ Breisach 2. 2. 1491; Sohn des aus einer Augsburger Familie stammenden Goldschmieds Caspar Schongauer (in Colmar nachweisbar … Universal-Lexikon
Schongauer — Schongauer, Martin, Maler und Kupferstecher, wegen der Anmut seiner Schöpfungen Hipsch Martin oder Schön genannt, geboren vor 1450 in Kolmar, bildete sich nach Roger van der Weyden und starb 2. Febr. 1491 in Breisach. Sein Hauptwerk in der… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
SCHONGAUER (M.) — SCHONGAUER MARTIN (1435 env. 1491) Peintre et graveur allemand de la seconde moitié du XVe siècle. La date de naissance de Schongauer est inconnue et a donné lieu à de longues discussions; on s’accorde aujourd’hui assez généralement à penser… … Encyclopédie Universelle