Shirley, James

Shirley, James
Shirley, James
English poet and dramatist (1596-1666)

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Shirley, James — ▪ English playwright born September 1596, London, Eng.   buried Oct. 29, 1666, London       English poet and dramatist, one of the leading playwrights in the decade before the closing of the theatres by Parliament in 1642.       Shirley was… …   Universalium

  • Shirley, James — (1596 1666)    Born in London, he was educated at Merchant Taylors School, St. John s College, Oxford, and Catharine Hall, Cambridge. He took holy orders before becoming a schoolmaster in Hertfordshire; at sometime he converted to Roman… …   British and Irish poets

  • Shirley, James — ► (1596 1666) Dramaturgo inglés renacentista y postisabelino. Autor de El traidor (1631) …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • SHIRLEY, JAMES —    dramatist, born in London, educated at Oxford and Cambridge; entered the Church, but turning Catholic resigned, and after trying teaching established himself in London as a play writer; wrote with great facility, producing upwards of thirty… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Shirley, James — (1596 1666)    Dramatist, b. in London, ed. at Merchant Taylor s School, London, and at Oxf. and Camb., became a master of St. Alban s Grammar School, and afterwards joined the Roman Catholic Church, and going to London wrote for the stage,… …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

  • James Shirley — James Shirley. James Shirley (o Sherley) (nacido en Londres el 13 de septiembre de 1596 † en Londres, 29 de octubre de 1666), fue un dramaturgo inglés. Perteneció al gran período de la literatura dramática inglesa, pero, en palabras de Charles… …   Wikipedia Español

  • James Shirley —     James Shirley     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► James Shirley     Poet and dramatist, b. in London, 18 Sept., 1596; d. there Oct., 1666. As a boy he attended the Merchant Taylors School, from October, 1608, to June, 1612, matriculating at St.… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • James Shirley — James Shirley. James Shirley, gelegentl. James Sherley (* 18. September 1596 in London; † vor 29. Oktober 1666, beigesetzt in London) war ein englischer Schriftsteller. Leben Über Shirleys Kindheit und Jugend ist recht wenig bekannt. Er studierte …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Shirley — Shirley, James * * * (as used in expressions) Chisholm, Shirley Shirley Anita St. Hill Jackson, Shirley (Hardie) MacLaine, Shirley Shirley McLean Beaty Shirley, William Myra Belle Shirley Temple, Shirley Shirley Temple Black …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • SHIRLEY (J.) — SHIRLEY JAMES (1596 1666) Après avoir enseigné, Shirley devint ministre protestant puis se convertit au catholicisme. Sa première pièce, L’École de la galanterie (The School of Complement ), fut représentée en 1625. À la fermeture des théâtres de …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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