- Smaragdus, Ardo
- Smaragdus, Ardo
• Hagiographer, died at the Benedictine monastery of Aniane, Herault, in Southern France, March, 843
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Ardo Smaragdus — Ardo Smaragdus † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ardo Smaragdus Hagiographer, died at the Benedictine monastery of Aniane, Herault, in Southern France, March, 843. He entered this monastery when still a boy and was bought up under the… … Catholic encyclopedia
Smaragdus — Smaragdus, 1) Exarch in Italien 584–590, u. wieder 601–611, s.u. Exarchat; 2) Abt des St. Michaelsklosters in der Diöcese Verdun im 9. Jahrh., stand bei Karl dem Großen u. bei Ludwig dem Frommen in großem Ansehen u. st. um 840; er schr.:… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Ardo Smaragdus — Infobox Person name=Ardo Smaragdus caption= quotation= birth date= birth place= dead=yes death date=March 843 death place= Aniane, Herault, France occupation=Hagiographer nationality=FrankishArdo Smaragdus (d. March 843 AD) was a hagiographer. He … Wikipedia
Ardo, S. — S. Ardo (Smaragdus), Mon. (7. März). Der hl. Ardo, mit dem Beinamen Smaragdus, war Priester und Mönch im Kloster Aniane in Languedoc, der zur Zeit Karls des Großen und seines Sohnes Ludwig lebte, und sich durch seine Gelehrsamkeit und Heiligkeit… … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Name days in Croatia — In Croatia, a name day (Croatian: imendan) is a day corresponding to a date in the Catholic calendar when the respective saint s day is celebrated. Even though celebration of the name day is less usual than celebrating birthday, the name day is… … Wikipedia
Список латинских писателей раннего средневековья — … Википедия
Список латинских писателей раннего Средневековья — … Википедия
St. Benedict of Aniane — St. Benedict of Aniane † Catholic Encyclopedia ► St. Benedict of Aniane Born about 745 750; died at Cornelimünster, 11 February, 821. Benedict, originally known as Witiza, son of the Goth, Aigulf, Count of Maguelone in Southern France … Catholic encyclopedia
Benedict of Aniane — Infobox Saint name=Saint Benedict of Aniane birth date=747 death date=death date|821|2|11|df=y feast day=11 February venerated in=Roman Catholicism imagesize= caption= birth place= France death place= titles= beatified date= beatified place=… … Wikipedia
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Montpellier — The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Montpellier is an archdiocese of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic church in south western France. It was probably created in the 3rd century AD.[citation needed] The current Archbishop is Pierre Marie Carré;… … Wikipedia