Art, Ecclesiastical

Art, Ecclesiastical
Art, Ecclesiastical
Article explores the origin, history, and types

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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  • Ecclesiastical Art — • Article explores the origin, history, and types Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Ecclesiastical Art     Ecclesiastical Art      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ecclesiastical Privileges —     Ecclesiastical Privileges     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Privileges     Ecclesiastical privileges are exceptions to the Law made in favour of the clergy or in favour of consecrated and sacred objects and places.     I.     The… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ecclesiastical jurisdiction — in its primary sense does not signify jurisdiction over ecclesiastics ( church leadership ), but jurisdiction exercised by church leaders over other leaders and over the laity. Jurisdiction is a word borrowed from the legal system which has… …   Wikipedia

  • Ecclesiastical Architecture — • All ecclesiastical architecture may be said to have been evolved from two distinct germ cells, the oblong and the circular chamber Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Ecclesiastical Architecture     Ecclesiastic …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction —     Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction     The right to guide and rule the Church of God. The subject is here treated under the following heads:     I. General Concept and Classification of… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ecclesiastical history (Catholicism) — Ecclesiastical history, for the Roman Catholic Church, is the history of the Roman Catholic Church as an institution, written from a particular perspective. There is a traditional approach to such historiography. The generally identified starting …   Wikipedia

  • Ecclesiastical Courts —     Ecclesiastical Courts     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Courts     I. JUDICIAL POWER IN THE CHURCH     In instituting the Church as a perfect society, distinct from the civil power and entirely independent of it, Christ gave her… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ecclesiastical Heraldry —     Ecclesiastical Heraldry     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Heraldry          Ecclesiastical heraldry naturally divides itself into various branches, principally: the arms of religious corporations, and other bodies; the insignia of… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ecclesiastical and Religious Vocation —     Ecclesiastical and Religious Vocation     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical and Religious Vocation     An ecclesiastical or religious vocation is the special gift of those who, in the Church of God, follow with a pure intention the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ecclesiastical Judge —     Ecclesiastical Judge     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Judge     (JUDEX ECCLESIASTICUS)     An ecclesiastical person who possesses ecclesiastical jurisdiction either in general or in the strict sense (see JURISDICTION) The official …   Catholic encyclopedia

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