- Suárez, Francisco
- Suárez, Francisco
• Article on his life, teachings and works, by A. Perez Goyena
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Suárez, Francisco — born Jan. 5, 1548, Granada, Spain died Sept. 25, 1617, Lisbon Spanish theologian and philosopher. In his Metaphysical Disputations (1597), he drew on the works of Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, John Duns Scotus, and Luis de Molina (1535–1600) to… … Universalium
Suarez, Francisco de — (1548–1617) Theologian. Suarez was a native of Granada, Spain, and was educated at Salamanca. Subsequently, as a member of the Jesuit Order, he taught in several Spanish universities. His theology was mainly influenced by Thomas Aquinas and … Who’s Who in Christianity
Suárez, Francisco — (1548–1617) Major Jesuit scholastic philosopher and theologian. Born in Granada, Suárez became a Jesuit in 1564. His principal work is the Disputationes Metaphysicae (‘Metaphysical Disputations’, 1597), although his writings occupy 28 volumes in… … Philosophy dictionary
Suárez, Francisco — See Suárez ( … History of philosophy
Suarez, Francisco — See Renaissance philosophy outside Italy … History of philosophy
Suárez, Francisco — ► (1548 1617) Jesuita y teólogo español llamado el Doctor eximio. Está considerado como el primer autor que realizó una exposición completa de la metafísica. Fue un notable jurisconsulto y su obra Ius Gentium es la primera exposición teórica de… … Enciclopedia Universal
SUAREZ, FRANCISCO — scholastic philosopher, born at Grenada; after joining the Jesuit body became professor of Theology at Coimbra, attempted to reconcile realism with nominalism, and adopted in theology a system called Congruism, being a modification of… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Suárez — Suárez, Francisco … Philosophy dictionary
Francisco Suárez — Full name Francisco Suárez Born January 5, 1548(1548 01 05) Granada Died September 25, 16 … Wikipedia
Francisco Suarez — Francisco Suárez (* 5. Januar 1548 in Granada; † 25. September 1617 in Lissabon) war ein spanischer Theologe und Philosoph. Ihm wurde der Ehrenname Doctor Eximius gegeben. Er trat am 16. Juni 1564 in Salamanca den Jesuiten bei und studierte in… … Deutsch Wikipedia