Arundel, Thomas

Arundel, Thomas
Arundel, Thomas
Sixtieth Archbishop of Canterbury, second son of Robert, Earl of Arundel and Warren, b. 1353; d. 19 February, 1414

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Thomas Arundel —     Thomas Arundel     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Thomas Arundel     Sixtieth Archbishop of Canterbury, second son of Robert, Earl of Arundel and Warren, b. 1353; d. 19 February, 1414. In 1374, while only in his twenty second year, he was promoted …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • ARUNDEL (T. F.) — ARUNDEL THOMAS FITZALAN (1353 1414) Archevêque de Canterbury et chancelier d’Angleterre. Le père de Thomas Arundel, Richard est un des cinq régents du royaume en 1355; son frère aîné, Richard, est membre du Conseil royal pendant la minorité de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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