
Diocese in Hungary, suffragan of Eger, from which it was formed, by King Francis I, at the same time as the See of Kassa

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Szatmár
    Diocese in Hungary, suffragan of Eger, from which it was formed, by King Francis I, at the same time as the See of Kassa. The diocese includes the counties (Komitate) of Szatmár, Bereg, Mármaros, Ugocsa, Ungvar, and a small part of the district of Szabolcs. The first bishop was Stephen Fischer (1804-7), later Archbishop of Eger. Of his successors may be mentioned: Peter Klobusiczky (1807-21), who rendered great service in the organization of the diocese; John Hám (1827-57), who gave great attention to education. Under them the cathedral as enlarged and renewed, and several other churches were built. Many of the charitable institutions of the diocese owe their foundation to Hám, whose beatification is under consideration. Tiburtius Boromisza (1906) is the present bishop. His residence is at Szatmár-Németi. The diocese is divided into 5 archdeaneries, and consists of 95 parishes. The clergy number 177. There are: 1 titular abbey, 2 titular provostships, and 15 monasteries with 703 members. The chapter consists of 6 members and 6 titular canons. Roman Catholics number 149,807; and Greek Catholics, 625,627.
    A. Katolikus Magyarorszag, Catholic Hungary (Budapest, 1901); Schematismus (1864, 1910).
    Transcribed by Thomas M. Barrett Dedicated to the Christian Community of Szatmár

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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