
A Prefecture Apostolic in the ecclesiastical province of Calcutta, India, established in 1889

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Assam
    A Prefecture Apostolic in the ecclesiastical province of Calcutta, India, established in 1889. It is served by the "Society of the Divine Saviour," whose mother-house is at Rome. The priests have a residence at Shillong. Assam includes the civil province of Assam, with Bhuthan and Manipur. The native population is 7,000,000. The Catholics number 1,800, and are attended by 6 secular and 10 regular priests. There are chapels in Shillong, Gowhati, Bondashill, Railing, Laitkinsew, Silchar, Cheerapoonjee, Lamin, and elsewhere, in all 25 chapels and 19 stations. There are 15 elementary schools; 300 pupils, boys and girls; 2 orphanages under the direction of the Sisters of the Society of the Divine Saviour; 4 charitable dispensaries, 1 asylum for aged women, and one small hospital at Shillong. The non-Catholic sects number 17, and count 18,000 adherents.
    The Madras Catholic Directory (Madras, 1906); BATTANDIER, Ann. pont. cath. (1906) 343.
    Transcribed by John Fobian In memory of James Tiernan

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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