
A titular see in Macedonia, suffragan of Thessalonica

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Torone
    A titular see in Macedonia, suffragan of Thessalonica. Torone was a colony of Chalcideans from Euboea, on the south-west coast of the peninsula Sithonia, the modern name of which is Longos; this is the middle peninsula of Chalcidice, lying between the Toronaic Gulf, called to-day, Cassandra, and the Gulf of Singitticus (Mt. Athos). Built on a hill, in a fine situation, it had a harbour called Kophos (deaf), because the sound of the sea-waves could not be heard there, thus giving rise to the proverb: "Deafer than the port of Torone." Torone had thirty small cities under its government; like the other Grecian cities of the region, it furnished Xerxes with men and ships. After the Persian War it passed under the rule of Athens. In 424 B.C., the Olynthian, Lysistratus, opened its gates to Brasidas; it was shortly afterwards retaken by Cleon. After the peace of Nicias it was ceded to the Athenians; in 379 B.C., it was taken by Agesipolas; in 364-3, by the Athenian, Timotheus; in 349-8, by Philip, who annexed it with the other cities of Chalcidice to his own kingdom. In 169 Torone repelled an attack made by the Roman fleet. Since then history is silent about this city, which Pliny calls a free city. Its ruins, in the vilayet of Salonica, still bear the ancient name, pronounced by the Greeks, Toroni. As an episcopal see, Torone does not appear in any of the "Notitia episcopatuum," and we know of no bishop of the diocese.
    SMITH, Dict. of Greek and Roman Geog., s.v.; DESDEVISES-DU-DESERT, Geographie ancienne de la Macedoine (Paris, 1863), 374; LEAKE, Northern Greece, III, 119, 155, 455; DEMITSAS, Ancient Geography of Macedonia: Topography (Athens, 1874) 426-30 (in Greek).
    Transcribed by John Fobian In memory of Rev. Thomas Casey

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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