
Prefecture Apostolic in Peru

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Ucayali
    Prefecture Apostolic in Peru.
    At the request of the Peruvian Government, desirous of civilizing and converting the Indian tribes inhabiting a large and secluded mountainous region in the east of Peru, known as La Montaña, in which a few Franciscan missionaries had been labouring, the Holy See on 5 February, 1900, erected the district in to three prefectures Apostolic, depending directly on Propaganda. The central prefecture, San Francisco de Ucayali, remained under the control of the Franciscans, who were placed under the immediate jurisdiction of their master-general. The prefecture comprises (a) Chauchamayo, the district drained by the Perené and Pachitea, together with the Gran Pajonal to its eastern valleys, and as far as the Tambo and the upper Ucayali; (b) Apurimac, the territory drained by the Ené, Mantaro, and Tambo, as far as the confluence of the latter and the Urubamba; (c) Ucayali, the region drained by the Ucayali to the meeting of the Tambo and Urubamba. The Indians belong to the Amuescho, Chipivi, and Cunivi tribes, 5140 being Catholics. The mission contains 12 priests, 10 lay brothers, 6 chief stations, 24 churches and chapels, 6 having resident pastors; 11 schools. The first prefect Apostolic, R.P. Augustin Alemany (14 February, 1905), was succeeded by R. P. Bernardo Irastorza (September, 1905). To prevent disputes concerning the jurisdictional limits of the neighbouring prelates, Propaganda decreed that the mission was confined strictly to the forest districts.
    Transcribed by Michael C. Tinkler

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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