Vesalius, Andreas

Vesalius, Andreas
Vesalius, Andreas
The reorganizer of the study of anatomy

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • VESALIUS Andreas — Bruxellensis, fil. Andreae pharmacopolae, Caroli V. Medicus, eiusdem et Philippi II. fil. C. S. E. in insul. Zacyntho, e Cypro reversus, et Patavium a Veneto Senatu vocatus, misere obiit. A C. 1564. aetat. 50. scriptis inclitus, quae enumerat… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Vesalius, Andreas — Flemish Andries van Wesel born Dec. 1514, Brussels died June 1564, island of Zacynthus, Republic of Venice Flemish physician. Born into a family of physicians, he studied medicine at the University of Paris. As a lecturer in surgery, he insisted… …   Universalium

  • VESALIUS, Andreas — (1514 1564) Andreas Vesalius is known to posterity as the founder of modern anatomy. He emphasized dissection of cadavers to acquire anatomical and surgical knowl­edge rather than relying on established authorities, especially Galen. Born in… …   Renaissance and Reformation 1500-1620: A Biographical Dictionary

  • Vesalius, Andreas — (1514 OR 1515 1564)    Andreas Vesalius was born on 31 December 1514 or 1 January 1515. Nothing is known of the first 15 years of his life, which were probably spent in Brussels. He studied at the universities of Leuven, Paris, and Padua, where… …   Historical Dictionary of Brussels

  • Vesalius , Andreas — (1514–1564) Belgian anatomist Vesalius, born the son of a pharmacist in Brussels, Belgium, was educated at the universities of Louvain, Paris, and Padua, receiving his MD from the last in 1537. He was immediately appointed professor of anatomy… …   Scientists

  • Vesalius, Andreas — (1514 1564)    Physician and anatomist. Born in Brussels, he was the son of an apothecary who served the Emperor Charles V. After study at the University of Louvain, he began the study of medicine at Paris, where he found the traditional anatomy… …   Historical Dictionary of Renaissance

  • Vesalius, Andreas — flamenco Andries van Wesel (dic. 1514, Bruselas–jun. 1564, Zante, República de Venecia). Médico flamenco. Nacido en el seno de una familia de médicos, estudió medicina en la Universidad de París. Como profesor de cirugía, insistía en disecar… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Vesalius,Andreas — Ve·sa·li·us (vĭ sāʹlē əs, zāʹ ), Andreas. 1514 1564. Flemish anatomist and surgeon who is considered the founder of modern anatomy. His major work, On the Structure of the Human Body (1543), was based on meticulous dissection of cadavers. * * * …   Universalium

  • Andreas Vesalius — (auch: Andreas Vesal) (* 31. Dezember 1514 in Brüssel; † 15. Oktober 1564 auf Zakynthos; eigentlich Andreas Witinck) war ein flämischer Anatom der Renaissance und gilt als Begründer der neuzeitlichen Anat …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Andreas Vesal — Andreas Vesalius Andreas Vesalius (auch: Andreas Vesal) (* 31. Dezember 1514 in Brüssel; † 15. Oktober 1564 auf Zakynthos; eigentlich Andreas Witinck) war ein flämischer Anatom der Renaissance und gilt als Begründer der neuzeitlichen Anatomie… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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