- Watteau, Jean Antoine
- Watteau, Jean Antoine
• Artist's biography with bibliography
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Watteau,Jean Antoine — Wat·teau (wŏ tōʹ, vä ), Jean Antoine. 1684 1721. French painter noted for his exuberant scenes of gallantry, such as The Embarkation for Cythera (1717). * * * … Universalium
Watteau, Jean Antoine — (10/10/1684 Valenciennes 7/18/1721 Nogent sur Marne) (France) Painter and etcher. Considered one of the great masters of French 18th century art. Studied with Gillot and Audran. He spent part of his career working in England. Many of his… … Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators
Watteau, (Jean-) Antoine — born Oct. 10, 1684, Valenciennes, France died July 18, 1721, Nogent sur Marne French painter. Son of a roof tiler in Valenciennes, he was apprenticed to a local artist. At 18 he moved to Paris, where he worked for a series of painters; one of… … Universalium
Watteau, (Jean-) Antoine — (10 oct. 1684, Valenciennes, Francia–18 jul. 1721, Nogent sur Marne). Pintor francés. Hijo de un instalador de tejas de Valenciennes, fue aprendiz de un artista local. A los 18 años de edad se trasladó a París donde trabajó para diversos pintores … Enciclopedia Universal
Watteau, Jean-Antoine — (1684–1721) French painter … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Jean-Antoine Watteau — Antoine Watteau Portrait von Rosalba Carriera, 1721 Antoine Watteau (* 10. Oktober 1684 in Valenciennes; † 18. Juli 1721 in Nogent sur Marne), bedeutendster Maler des französischen Rokoko … Deutsch Wikipedia
Jean Antoine Watteau — Jean Antoine Watteau † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Jean Antoine Watteau French painter, and founder and leader of the school usually known as that of the painters of Les Fêtes Galantes; born at Valenciennes, 1684, died near Paris, 1721.… … Catholic encyclopedia
Jean-Antoine Watteau — Antoine Watteau « Watteau » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir Watteau (homonymie). Jean Antoine Watteau … Wikipédia en Français
Jean Antoine Watteau — Antoine Watteau « Watteau » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir Watteau (homonymie). Jean Antoine Watteau … Wikipédia en Français
Jean Antoine Watteau — noun French painter (1684 1721) • Syn: ↑Watteau • Instance Hypernyms: ↑old master … Useful english dictionary