
A faithful follower of Gregory VII in his conflict with the simoniac clergy

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Atto
    A faithful follower of Gregory VII in his conflict with the simoniac clergy, born probably at Milan made Cardinal of San Mareo, assisted (1079) at the retractation of Berengarius in the Roman synod of that year, and signed the decrees of the synod of 1081. He may have been Bishop of Præneste. Cardinal Mai published under his name (SS. Vet nova coll., VI, 2, 60 sqq), from a Vatican manuscript, a "Breviarium Canonum", or miscellaneous collection of moral and canonical decrees genuine and forged, from Pope Clement I to Gregory the Great. It deals particularly with clerical rights and duties, eccleslastical acts, the administration of the sacraments, censures, jurisdiction, etc. Other Cardinals of the name are mentioned in the anonymous (eighteenth-century) "Diatriba de Attonibus" published by Cardinal Mai (op. cit.; cf. P.L., CXXXIV, 902).
    Transcribed by Joseph P. Thomas

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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