William of St-Thierry

William of St-Thierry
William of St-Thierry
Theologian and mystic (1085-1148)

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • William of St-Thierry — was a theologian and mystic, so called from the monastery of which he was abbot.BiographyHe was born at Liège (in present Belgium) of a noble family between 1075 and 1080 and died at Signy in 1148. William probably studied at the cathedral school …   Wikipedia

  • William Of Saint-thierry — ▪ French philosopher French  Guillaume De Saint thierry   born c. 1085, , Liège, Lower Lorraine died , probably Sept. 8, 1148       French monk, theologian, and mystic, leading adversary of early medieval rationalistic philosophy.       William… …   Universalium

  • William von Saint Thierry — Wilhelm von Saint Thierry, lateinisch Guillelmus de Sancto Theodorico (* um 1075/1080 in Lüttich; † wahrscheinlich 8. September 1148 in Signy), war ein einflussreicher Kirchenschriftsteller. Er war zunächst Benediktinermönch, wurde Abt des… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • William of St Thierry — (c. 1085–1148)    Theologian and Mystic.    William was born in Liège, France; he joined the Benedictine Order and became Abbot of St Thierry in c. 1120. He was a close friend of St bernard of clairvaux and in 1135 he resigned his position to… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • William — may refer to:*William (name), a masculine given nameRoyaltyBritish*William I of England (1027 1087), a.k.a. William the Conqueror, William the Bastard *William II of England (1056 1100), a.k.a. William Rufus *William I of Scotland (c. 1142 1214) …   Wikipedia

  • Thierry von Chartres — (* um 1085; † um 1155; lateinisch Theodoricus Carnotensis) war ein platonischer Philosoph. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben und Wirken 2 Heptateuchon 3 De sex dierum operibus 4 Litera …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • William of Conches — (c. 1090 ndash;after 1154) was a French scholastic philosopher. He sought to expand the bounds of Christian humanism by studying secular works of the classics and fostering empirical science. John of Salisbury, a bishop of Chartres and former… …   Wikipedia

  • William Dufty — William Francis Dufty (1916 à Grand Rapids, Michigan, États Unis 28 juin 2002 à Birmingham, Michigan) est un journaliste, écrivain et dramaturge américain. Il a aussi fait la promotion d une alimentation moins riche en sucre blanc. Biographie Il… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • William of Conches — (c. 1080–c. 1154)    Philosopher.    William was a student of bernard of chartres and he also taught at the Cathedral School at Chartres, France. However, he was accused of assimilating the ideas of abelard by william of st thierry and he… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Thierry, Count of Flanders — Thierry of Alsace (Dietrich) (c. 1099 – January 17, 1168), in Flanders known as Diederik van den Elzas, was count of Flanders from 1128 to 1168. He was the youngest son of Duke Thierry II of Lorraine and Gertrude of Flanders (daughter of Robert I …   Wikipedia

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