- Zwingli, Ulrich
- Zwingli, Ulrich
• Founder of the Reformation in Switzerland, born at Wildhaus in Switzerland (1484-1531)
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Zwingli, Ulrich — Zwingli, Ulrich, einer der größten Reformatoren des 16. Jahrh., geb. am 1. Januar 1484, fühlte schon früh den Drang in sich für die Verbesserung und Reinigung der Kirchenlehre zu wirken. Tiefe Studien während seines Aufenthaltes (als Pfarrer) in… … Damen Conversations Lexikon
Zwingli, Ulrich — • Founder of the Reformation in Switzerland, born at Wildhaus in Switzerland (1484 1531) Catholic Encyclopedia … Catholic encyclopedia
Zwingli, Ulrich — (1484–1531) Theologian and Reformer. Zwingli was born in Wildhaus, Switzerland, and he was educated at Berne, Vienna and Basle. He was ordained to the Catholic priesthood in 1506 and he served as a parish priest and as an army chaplain. In… … Who’s Who in Christianity
ZWINGLI, ULRICH — the Swiss Reformer, born at Wildhaus, in the canton of St. Gall, and founder of the Reformed Church; studied at Bern and Vienna, afterwards theology at Basel, and was appointed pastor at Glarus; he got acquainted with Erasmus at Basel, and… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Zwingli,Ulrich — Zwing·li (zwĭngʹlē, swĭngʹ , tsvĭngʹ ), Ulrich or Huldreich 1484 1531. Swiss religious reformer whose sermons on the absolute authority of the Bible (1519) marked the beginning of the Reformation in Switzerland. * * * … Universalium
Zwingli, Ulrich — (or Huldreich) (1484–1531) Swiss religious zealot … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
ZWINGLI, Ulrich — (1485 1531) Swiss Preacher who led the PROTESTANT REFORMATION in Zurich. He admired LUTHER and taught JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH but rejected Luther s view of the SACRAMENTS arguing instead that they are simply memorials without supernatural… … Concise dictionary of Religion
Zwingli — Ulrich Zwingli Ulrich Zwingli, peinture à l huile de Hans Asper, 1531; Kunstmuseum Winterthur. Ulrich Zwingli on trouve aussi Huldreich Zwingli et Huldrych Zwingli, et même Zwingle ou Zvingle ou encore Zuingle Haudry, en francisant (1484 1531)… … Wikipédia en Français
Ulrich Zwingli — Ulrich Zwingli † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ulrich Zwingli (Also, Huldreich) Founder of the Reformation in Switzerland, born at Wildhaus in Switzerland, 1 January, 1484; died 11 October, 1531. Zwingli came from a prominent family of… … Catholic encyclopedia
Ulrich I. — Ulrich ist ein männlicher Vorname, der schon im Mittelalter wegen des Heiligen Ulrich von Augsburg sehr beliebt war. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Bedeutung 2 Namenstag 3 Bekannte Namensträger 3.1 einziger Name mit Herkunftsbezeichnung … Deutsch Wikipedia