Alphonsus de Castro

Alphonsus de Castro
Alphonsus de Castro
    Alphonsus de Castro
     Catholic_Encyclopedia Alphonsus de Castro
    Friar Minor and theologian, b. in 1495 at Zamora, Leon, Spain; d. 11 February 1558, at Brussels. When fifteen years old he entered a little convent of the Franciscan Order near Salamanca in the province of St. James. He taught theology at the University of Salamanca, and for forty-three years was confessor to Charles V and Philip II, and preacher at the Court of Spain. In 1545 he accompanied Cardinal Grennis as theologian to the Council of Trent, and during the fourth session took an important part in the discussion concerning Holy Scripture. As representative of the Cardinal he subscribed to the canons of this session, and suggested that the words "praeter hos sacros libros multa alia sunt tenenda quae scripta non sunt, sed observantur Ecclesiae auctoritate" be added to the Decree "De Canonicis Scriptures". In succeeding sessions he addressed the council on the advisability of vernacular versions of the Sacred Scripture, and on original sin. He accompanied Philip II to England, returned with that monarch to the Continent in 1557, and was appointed to the archiepiscopal See of Compostella, made vacant by the death of Cardinal John Tolenton. His untimely death, however, prevented his consecration. Castro's best-known works include
    (1) "Adversus omnes haereses", first published at Cologne in 1539;
    (2) "De justa haereticorum punitione" (Salamanca, 1547).
    Both these works were published in one edition at Paris (1571-78).
    Transcribed by Gerald M. Knight

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

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