
An Italian diocese in the Province of Naples, suffragan to Benevento

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Avellino
    An Italian diocese in the Province of Naples, suffragan to Benevento. Avellino was founded by St. Sabinus, martyr, in the beginning of the second century. The list of bishops dates from 1124. The Diocese of Frigento, whose list is from 1080 to 1455, was united with that of Avellino from 9 May, 1466, until 27 June, 1818, when it was suppressed. Avellino was vacant from 1782 to 1792. It has 118,649 Catholics; 41 parishes, 243 secular priests, 11 regulars, 80 seminarians, 90 churches and chapels.
    Annuario Eccl. (Rome, 1907); Cappelletti, Chiese d'Italia (1884), xix; Zingarelli, Storia della cattedra di Avelino e di suoi pastori, etc. (Naples, 1856).
    Transcribed by Susan Birkenseer

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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