Councils of Lyons

Councils of Lyons
Councils of Lyons
    Councils of Lyons
     Catholic_Encyclopedia Councils of Lyons
    Previous to 1313 the Abbé Martin counts no less than twenty-eight synods or councils held at Lyons or at Anse near Lyons. The pretended colloquy between the Catholic and Arian ( see Arianism ) bishops of Burgundy, said to have been held in 499, is regarded, since the researches of Julien Havet, as apochryphal. This encyclopedia deals only with the two general councils of 1245 and 1275.
    MARTIN, "Bullaire et Conciles de Lyon" (Lyon, 1905) (excellent); MANSI, "Coll Conciliorum", XXIII, 605-82, XXIV, 37-136; HEFELE, "History of Christian Councils", tr. CLARK; HAVET, "Biobliotheque de l'Ecole des Chartes", XLVI, 1855, 233-50; BERGER, "Registres d'Innocent IV (in course of publication); GUIRAUD AND CADIER, "Registres de Gregoire X et Jean XXI (in course of publication).

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

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