Edward Patrick Allen

Edward Patrick Allen
Edward Patrick Allen
    Edward Patrick Allen
     Catholic_Encyclopedia Edward Patrick Allen
    Fifth Bishop of Mobile, Alabama, U.S.; born at Lowell, Massachusetts, 17 March, 1853. He made his college course at Mount St. Mary's, Emmittsburg, Maryland, graduating 26 June, 1878, and then entered the seminary there for his theological studies. He was ordained priest 17 December, 1881, and remained at Mount St. Mary's, as a member of the faculty, until early in 1882, when he was made an assistant at the cathedral in Boston, and later at Framingham, Massachusetts. In 1884 he returned to Mount St. Mary's to assume the presidency of the college, which office he held until he was appointed Bishop of Mobile. He was consecrated at Baltimore, Maryland, 16 May, 1897. In 1889 Georgetown University conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Divinity.
    Transcribed by Donald J. Boon

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

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