Francisco Burgoa

Francisco Burgoa
Francisco Burgoa
    Francisco Burgoa
     Catholic_Encyclopedia Francisco Burgoa
    Born at Oaxaca about 1600; d. at Teopozotlan in 1681. He entered the Dominican Order 2 August, 1629, and soon became master in theology. The voluminous books written by him on the past of his native Mexican State, Oaxaca, are very rare. They are valuable, though not absolutely reliable on several topics. He was curate of several Indian parishes and his knowledge of the Indian languages, the Zapotec and Mixteco, is stated to have been very thorough. In 1649 he became Provincial of the Province of San Hipólito and took part in the chapter general of his order at Rome, 1656. Returning to Mexico with the title of vicar-general, a member of the Inquisition of Spain, and Commissary and Inspector of Libraries of New Spain (Mexico), he again became Provincial of Oaxaca in 1662. He was interested in several ecclesiastical foundations and improvements, and highly respected at the time of his death. The two historical and geographical works through which he is best known are the "Palestra histórica, ó Historia de la Provincia de San Hipólito de Oaxaca, de la Orden de Predicadores" (Mexico, 1670), and the "Descripción geográfica de la América setentrional" etc. (Mexico, 1674). He published a number of sermons and also wrote "Itinerario de Oaxaca á Roma y de Roma a Oaxaca", which is still in manuscript.
    Pinelo, Epitome de la biblioteca oriental y occidental (Madrid, 1737); Antonio, Bibliotheca hispana nova (Madrid, 1733-38); Eguiara, Biblioteca mexicana (Mexico, 1755); Beristain, Biblioteca hispano-americana etc. (Amecameca, 1883); Brasseur de Bourbourg, Bibl. mexico-guatemalienne (Paris, 1871).
    Transcribed by William D. Neville

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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