Francisco de Araujo

Francisco de Araujo
Francisco de Araujo
    Francisco de Araujo
     Catholic_Encyclopedia Francisco de Araujo
    Spanish theologian, b. at Verin, Galicia, 1580; d. Madrid, 19 March, 1664. In 1601, he entered the Dominican Order at Salamanca. He taught theology (1616-17) in the convent of St. Paul at Burgos, and in the latter year was made assistant to Peter of Herrera, the principal professor of theology at Salamanca. Six years later he succeeded to the chair, and held it until 1648, when he was appointed Bishop of Sevogia. In 1656 he resigned his see, and retired to the convent of his order at Madrid. His writings are: Commentary on the "Metaphysics" of Aristotle (2 vols., Salamanca, 1617; 2d ed., ibid., 1631); "Opuscula tripartita, h.e. in tres controversias triplicis theologiae divisa" etc. (Douay, 1633); a commentary in seven volumes on the "Summa" of St. Thomas (Salamanca and Madrid, 1635-47); "Variae et selectae decisiones morales ad stat. eccles. et civil. pertinentes" (Lyons, 1664; 2d ed., Cologne, 1745). In the second volume of his commentary on the "Prima Secundae" there is a treatise on Predestination and Grace, the doctrine of which is Molinistic. Martinez de Prado has proved that this was not written by Araujo, who, in a later work, shows clearly his adherence to the Thomistic teaching on those questions.
    QUETIF-ECHARD, Script. Ord. Praed., I, 609; MARTINEZ DE PRADO, Metaphysica, I, 518; NICH. ANTONIO, Bibliotheca Hisp. Nova; MEYER, Hist. controversiarum de anxiliis gratiae, I, ii, c. xxiii, and II, ii, c. xvii; SERRY, Hist. congregationum de auxiliis, IV, 27; V, iii, ii; HURTER, Nomenclator, II, 5-7; DUMMERMUTH, S. Thomas et doctrina praemotionis physicae (Paris 1886), 582-588; STANONIK in Kirchenlex. (2d ed., 1882), I, 1228-1229.
    W.D. NOON
    Transcribed by John Fobian In memory of Francis "Bobby" Gimler

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

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