Francisco de Rioja

Francisco de Rioja
Francisco de Rioja
    Francisco de Rioja
     Catholic_Encyclopedia Francisco de Rioja
    A poet, born at Seville, 1583; died at Madrid, 1659. Rioja was a canon in the cathedral at Seville and a member of the Supreme Inquisition. His poems will keep his name forever remembered by his countrymen. Quintana considers them the first attempts at descriptive poetry in the Castilian language. The style is original, the thoughts beautifully expressed, the taste refined, and the versification well adapted and harmoniously blended with the theme. The ode "A las ruinas de Italia", which belongs to Rodrigo Caro, and the "Epístola moral", whose author is probably Francisco de Andrada, were, until late, ascribed to Rioja, who, although despoiled of these literary gems, is highly esteemed by all Spanish scholars. Menéndez y Pelayo felicitously writes that Rioja's "Ode to Summer", and those "To Tranquillity", "To Constancy," "To Riches" and "To Poverty" are, after the lyrics of Fray Luis de León, the best moral odes of the Castilian poetical treasure.
    RAMÓN FERNàNDEZ, Poesías de Francisco de Rioja y de otros poetas andaluces (Madrid, 1798); SISMONDI, Hist. de la literatura española, II (Seville, 1842), 173; TICKNOR, Hist. of Spanish Lit., II (New York, 1854), 545; FERNÁNDEZ-ESPINO, Curso híst. crítico de la lit. española (Seville, 1895). The best edition of Rioja's poems is that of BARRERA (Madrid, 1867); Adiciones á las poesías de Rioja (Madrid, 1872).
    Transcribed by Douglas J. Potter Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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