Giovanni Battista de Luca

Giovanni Battista de Luca
Giovanni Battista de Luca
    Giovanni Battista de Luca
     Catholic_Encyclopedia Giovanni Battista de Luca
    A Cardinal and Italian canonist of the seventeenth century, b. at Venusia, Southern Italy, in 1614; d. at Rome, on 5 February, 1683. Born of humble parentage, he studied at Naples, but owing to ill-health he had to return to his native place. In 1645 he went to Rome, where he soon won a high reputation for his legal ability, thereby stirring up much enmity and jealousy. At an advanced age he became a priest and enjoyed the patronage of Innocent XI, who made him successively referendary Utriusque Signaturae, auditor of the Sacred Palace and finally in 1681 raised him to the Cardinalate. His writings, which are eminently practical in character, are most important for proper understanding of the jurisprudence of the Roman Court and especially of the Rota in his time. We may mention his "Relatio Curiae Romanae" (Cologne, 1683), "Sacrae Rotae decisiones" (Lyons, 1700); "Annotationes praticae ad S. Conciluim Tridentinum" (Cologne, 1684). His complete works were published under the title "Theatrum veritatis et justitiae (19 vols., 1669-77; 12 vols., Cologne, 1689-99).
    SHERER in Kirchenlex., s.v.; SCHULTE. Die Geschichte der Quellen und Literatur des canonischen Rechts, III (Stuttgart, 1875-80), 487; WERNZ, Jus Decretalium, 1 (Rome, 1898), 415; HURTER, Nomenclator litterarius, II, 364.
    Transcribed by Joseph P. Thomas

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

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