Giovanni Perrone

Giovanni Perrone
Giovanni Perrone
    Giovanni Perrone
     Catholic_Encyclopedia Giovanni Perrone
    Jesuit theologian, b. at Chieri, Italy, 11 March, 1794; d. at Rome, 28 Aug., 1876. After studying theology and obtaining the doctorate at Turin, he entered the Society of Jesus on 14 December 1815. The Society had been re-established by Pius VII only a year before, and Perrone was very soon appointed to teach theology at Orvieto. A few years later he was made professor of dogmatic theology at the Roman College, and held this post until the Roman Republic of 1848 forced him to seek refuge in England. After an exile of three years, Perrone again took the chair of dogma in the Roman College, and, excepting the years of his rectorship at Ferrara, taught theology till prevented by old age. He was consultor of various congregations, and was active in opposing the errors of George Hermes, as well as the discussions which ended in the dogmatic definition of the Immaculate Conception (cf. "Annali delli scienze religiose", VII). Of Perrone's many writings the most important is the "Prælectines Theologicæ", which has reached a thirty-fourth edition in nine volumes. The compendium which Perrone made of this work has reached forty-seven editions in two volumes. His complete theological lectures were published in French and have run through several editions; portions have been translated into Spanish, Polish, German, Dutch, and other languages. Sommervogel mentions forty-four different works by this great fellow-professor of Passaglia and Franzelin in the Roman College.
    SOMMERVOGEL, Bibliothèque de la Compagnie de Jésus, VI, 558-571; HURTER in Kirchenlexicon, s. v.
    Transcribed by M. Donahue

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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