
Several saints of this name appear in martyrologies. Next to nothing is known about any of them except place of martyrdom, and sometimes the names of their spouses or companions in martyrdom

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Basilissa
    Various female martyrs, attributed to different localities yet bearing the common name of Basilissa, are referred to in all the catalogues of martyrs both of early Christianity and of the Middle Ages; their names also appear in the calendars and liturgical books of the Greek and Roman Churches. Nothing is known positively as to any one of these sufferers for the Christian Faith; the Acts of their martyrdoms, so far as such exist, are purely legendary and originated at a later date. The fact, however, that the name occurs several times in the so-called martyrology of St. Jerome and in old Greek catalogues is certain proof that that a number of female martyrs named Basilissa were actually venerated in the ancient Church. At the same time, it is not impossible that the same martyr is recorded on different days. Among these saints should be mentioned: Julian and Basilissa of Antioch; in the martyrology of St. Jerome (ed. Rossi-Duchesne, 6) they are given as martyrs under 6 January. A later legend makes Basilissa the virgin wife of Julian and narrates that she died a natural death together with other virgins, while Julian suffered martyrdom in company with many other Christians during the Diocletian persecution. The same martyrology makes mention, under 12 March, of a female martyr Basilissa, wife of Felicio, and states the locality "in Asia". On the next day 13 March, occurs the name of another martyr called Basilissa, wife of the presbyter Eustacius of Nicomedia. Later legends, which were accepted by the Greek menologies and synaxaria, speak of a virgin and martyr, Basilissa of Nicomedia, whose feast was celebrated on 3 September; this Basilissa is probably identical with the one just mentioned. On 22 March the names of two martyrs, Basilissa and Calinice, are given with the statement "in Galatia". Under 16 April the old catalogues contain the names of a number of martyrs of Corinth, among whom appears a Basilissa; according to later accounts these sufferers for the Faith were all thrown in to the sea. Under the previous day, 15 April, two Roman matrons, Basilissa and Anastasia, are recorded; they apparently died in the persecution of Nero. Another female martyr of Rome, whose name is sometimes written Basilla and sometimes Basilissa, was venerated on 20 May. She was buried, it is stated, on the Via Salaria. The celebrated Roman martyr Basilla, who died in 304 and whose feast is entered from the year 354 under 22 September is the oldest known Roman catalogue of feasts (Depositio martyrum), was buried in the catacomb of Hermes on the Via Salaria Vetus. It is, therefore, a question whether the saint given under 20 May and this latter Basilla are not one and the same person; but the identity of the two cannot be positively affirmed. The present martyrology includes several of these saints; 9 January, Basilissa of Antioch; 22 March, Basilissa and Callinice; 15 April, Basilissa and Anastasia; 3 September, Basilissa of Nicomedia.
    For Basilissa of Antioch and her companions, Acta SS., January , I, 570 sqq., and Mombritius, Sanctuarium, I, 216 sqq.; II, 45 sqq. For Basilissa and Anastasia, Acta SS., April, II, 372. For Basilissa and Callinice, Ibid., March, III, 277. For Basilissa of Nicomedia, Ibid., September, I, 609 sqq.
    Transcribed by Susan Birkenseer

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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