- Benedict, Rule of Saint
- Benedict, Rule of Saint
• Lengthy article on the text of the Rule and its composition, some analysis, and practical application
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Benedict of Nursia, Saint — • Long article on the founder of Western monasticism, and on his Rule Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Benedict of Nursia, Saint — born с 480, Nursia, Kingdom of the Lombards died с 547 Founder of the Benedictine monastery at Monte Cassino, Italy, and father of Western monasticism. Born into a prominent family at Nursia in central Italy, he rejected the immoral and… … Universalium
Rule of Saint Francis — Rule of Saint Francis † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Rule of Saint Francis As known, St. Francis founded three orders and gave each of them a special rule. Here only the rule of the first order is to be considered, i.e., that of the Friars … Catholic encyclopedia
Rule of Saint Benedict — The Rule of Saint Benedict ( Regula Benedicti ) is a book of precepts written by St. Benedict of Nursia for monks living in community under the authority of an abbot. Since about the 7th century it has also been adopted by communities of women.… … Wikipedia
Benedict of Nursia — Saint Benedict redirects here. This article is about the founder of Western monasticism; for other saints named Benedict, see Benedict. Infobox Saint name=Saint Benedict birth date=c. 480 death date=c. 547 feast day=Western Christianity: 11 July… … Wikipedia
Rule of St. Augustine — • Names the five documents sometimes identified as the Rule of Augustine, quickly narrows the field to two contenders, settles on Letter 211. Also deals with Augustine s relation to monasticism Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Rule of… … Catholic encyclopedia
Rule of St. Benedict — • Lengthy article on the text of the Rule and its composition, some analysis, and practical application Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Rule of St. Benedict Rule of St. Benedict … Catholic encyclopedia
Saint Benedict Abbey, Quebec — Saint Benedict Abbey, in an Abbey in Saint Benoît du Lac, Québec, Canada, and was founded in 1912. Today it numbers a little more than fifty monks living under the Rule of Saint Benedict. Separated from the world, they seek God in the celebration … Wikipedia
Benedict Biscop — (* 628; † 690) war ein englischer Mönch aus Northumbria, der sich der Regula Benedicti verpflichtet fühlte, insgesamt fünf Mal nach Rom reiste, zwei Klöster gründete und wesentlich die Vorläufer des Benediktinertums in England beeinflusste.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Saint Dominic — For the village in Cornwall, see St Dominic, Cornwall. Saint Dominic de Guzmán Founder Born 1170 Calaruega, Province of Burgos … Wikipedia